1. To maintain records of all ex-students and ex-teachers of the college
2. To foster and promote feelings of friendship and close relations among the ex-students of the college.
3. To provide a forum for the alumni for exchange of ideas on social and academic issues.
4. To initiate and co-operate in any such enterprise pertaining to the promotion of the best interest of the college.
5. To establish placement support for deserving students of various disciplines of the college.
6. To establish placement support for deserving students of the college.
7. To arrange a programme in assistance with other social and charitable institutions sharing common objectives for the benefits of members.
8. To support academic meets such as conferences,workshops,seminars for the members of various subjects.
9. Any other objectives which will be decided by the majority at the Annual General Meeting for the benefits of the ex-students,the students and college .
10.To raise fund by collecting from the distinguished Alumni to support various developments activities of the college.